April 4, 2011

Risking it All!! - a true "must see" video

Will we ever learn, or are the humans just an ignorant stupid race who want to spoil everything around us??. Take a good look at the information on this website called  "Calling from the coast", and then start to think about what is really going one in our world. It's time to ask our selves if we are living in a cooperative world?? - don't forget "consumer power rules" - and then go see the new movie called " The Inside Job" it will for sure put things in a new perspective.
Here is an article from "Calling from the coast" which is a great source of information, use the link to learn much more, there is a lot of very interesting reading if you feel just the slightest curious  - which I do, I must admit.
The north and central coast of British Columbia is one of last great wilderness areas that still supports a vibrant & productive ecosystem.  Home to thousands of runs of salmon, steelhead, grizzlies, wolves, orca, rare white bears, dolphins, porpoises and hundreds of other species, the coast is a natural spring of wealth & wonder.  The plan to build the Enbridge pipeline, with ensuing tanker traffic, threatens all of this- the coastal ecosystem, the coastal economies and local food security.
The BC coast supports many economies through commercial fishing, sport fishing & tourism, as well as providing massive natural food sources that feed thousands of people- serving up salmon, crab, halibut, clams, cockles, oolichan, herring, sea cucumbers, urchins, rockfish, lingcod, geoduck, seaweed, etc. A natural resource that just keeps giving. Enbridge plans to risk all of this to transport the dirtiest oil in the world to market. It’s your coast, province, and country. This short video outlines the plans for the pipeline and tanker route, the company behind this proposal, and what it means for our beautiful coast. Oil on our Coast was produced with Hartley Bay & the Gitga’at Nation with the goal of inspiring & educating in order to help save what sustains us.

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