April 5, 2011

New algae along the Danis coast line - so sad!!

This screen dump is from the Danish Metrological Institute, and it shows a new algae situation around Denmark 3 days ago. We have gotten a new algae type, which kill every fish, that get caught in this new kind of pollution we are seeing these days.
The problem with this one is that it is blooming while the water temperature is very low, which normally isn't the case. So how we have problems when the water is cold, but certainly also when it gets to warm - beside these problems, we are facing illegal netting , overfishing, other kinds of pollution, fish farming and deceases - sometimes i wonder why we are able to catch a single fish at all.

Watch this Danis video from the TV news showing the problems out there along the coasts, so sad, so very sad!!!

(PS. the red color shows the highest level of algae concentration.)

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