April 3, 2011

Sockeye inquiry reveals a potential virus.

Here is an interesting article from the "Farmed and dangerous" website - a website full of very interesting information, about the consequences from farmed salmon, which we all should be much more critical about as consumers. 

Don't forget "consumer power rules"!!!!

Sockeye inquiry reveals a potential virus that may be linked to mass in-river sockeye deaths and hears testimony that suggests salmon farms should be tested.

A large number of Fraser sockeye salmon are dying en-route to their spawning grounds, and stresses induced from warmer water temperatures are a factor. Salmon do well in temperatures around 16 degrees but over the past 20 years, the temperature of the Fraser River has increased by about 2 degrees resulting in warmer waters at migration time. However, another piece to this puzzle was revealed in the inquiry: a purported virus linked to the en-route deaths.
Salmon biology expert Dr. Scott Hinch, a professor at UBC, wrote a report on climate change effects on Fraser sockeye and presented his findings to the Commission of Inquiry earlier this month.
During his testimony Dr. Hinch was asked about the purported virus research he was involved in with Dr. Kristi Miller from the Department of Fisheries and Oceans (DFO) that was published earlier this year. Dr. Hinch indicated this may be an important factor contributing to large mortalities of Fraser sockeye and he also suggested that testing salmon farms for this potential viral signature is important.
Subsequently the inquiry heard from Dr. Laura Richards, Director of Science for the Pacific Region of DFO, on the virus issue on March 17th. Various participants suggested that DFO management suppressed scientific information – it is clear the issue of this purported virus is turning red hot in the sockeye inquiry. All this evidence is raising some huge questions. If a virus is killing large numbers of salmon, did it come from salmon farms? Or is it being amplified by salmon farms? And why does it appear as though DFO has been suppressing information about this virus theory? Stay tuned to the sockeye inquiry and view the documents and transcripts as they appear here on the Cohen Commission website.
Use this direct link to the Farmed and dangerous website and learn so more about the consequences from this industry.

PS. Don't forget to check out the blue links
- if yo want some pretty exciting informations.

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