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What is Pool 32 Mag all about ?

Pool 32 Mag is a new fly fishing e-magazine for everyone who loves fly fishing, and wish to follow environmental issues as well.

The best part is that it's a totally FREE e-mag and it can be downloaded by anyone, anywhere on the planet.

Check it out, sign up or send it on to a friend who is just as crazy about fly fishing as we are.

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"our cyber world of fishy stuff".

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Copyright © Mark Wengler

No photo reproduction of any kind without prior written

"Fly fishing isn't just a sport - it's a state of mind!!"

Check out earlier issues of Pol 32 mag

June 26, 2010

Thank you dear Englishmen, for spreading our fantastic sport.

The history behind fly fishing somehow always leads back to England - well it's natural, it was here it all started back in time, among Dukes and Royalties. It's such a fascinating story, which describes how the british enthusiasm lead to spreading our fantastic sport, to the most remote areas of our unique planet.
If it wasn't for this British enthusiasm - we probably wouldn't see much fly fishing today.
So I think it's more than fair to lift my hat, and bow quietly with the outmost of humble respect - of course - an say THANK you dear Englishmen, for spreading this absolutely sublime sport, we all love so much :O)

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