June 3, 2010

The oil spill in the Mexican Gulf - here is a little update!

Extent of Oil Spill Remains Unclear

Nearly a month after BP's Deepwater Horizon oil rig exploded and sank in the Gulf of Mexico, one question remains unanswered: Exactly how much oil is spilling into the Gulf from the unchecked leak?

Have a look at this counter - it shows an estimated view of what is going on  !! 
- so very, very sad!!

First Video of One of the Three Deep Horizon Well Leaks

Here you see some of the latest and very scary pictures from the Nasa website

A new movement has taken shape


Leroy Stick – the man behind @BPGlobalPR

I started @BPGlobalPR, because the oil spill had been going on for almost a month and all BP had to offer were bullshit PR statements.  No solutions, no urgency, no sincerity, no nothing.  That’s why I decided to relate to the public for them.  I started off just making jokes at their expense with a few friends, but now it has turned into something of a movement.  As I write this, we have 100,000 followers and counting.  People are sharing billboards, music, graphic art, videos and most importantly information.

Here is some of the his work 

On the Skinny water culture website you can buy this t-shirt!!

- this T-shirt have been promoted on the Modlychum website
and one of the comments really struck me by being absolutely right
- here it is :

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