June 5, 2010

A giant from Morrum - again.

Everybody who have fished in the "Magic Morrum River"- knows that the chance of a really big fish is always a possibility, as long as your fly is out there in the humus colored waters.

This years biggest fish has just been landed in Morrum from pool no. 4 - it weighed 17.22 kgs caught by Mikael Andersson - and we at Pool 32 Mag congratulate you Mikael with this fantastic catch.

As always the debate regarding C & R is going on with a fish like that. I know it is a very sensitive and difficult issue, personally I wouldn't have been able to kill such a magnificent creature. But on the other hand for some people it is one of those "once in a life time fish" that could end up over a fireplace stuffed and puffed.

What a beauty it is - somehow I never get's tired of looking at salmons, they truly are the Kings of any river.

PS. the fish counter measured an even bigger fish the other day, estimated to be over 119 cm long!!

Tight lines out there.
       .¸¸.·´¯`·.¸ )><((((ยบ>

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