May 16, 2010

Alex Morton has published some of the best science to date

Alex Morton has published some of the best science to date on those impacts fish farming has on wild salmons, and she has seen that science is suppressed, ignored, twisted, and too often ineffective in driving to change. No wonder she is frustrated and willing to try a different approach. If we truly wish to save wild salmon we must get beyond denial, lip service, and unwarranted attacks.

Link to source:

The Migration Begins! - The "Get Out for Wild Salmon" Video from Twyla Roscovich on Vimeo.

Alex Morton begins her migration to Victoria. She will walk and boat the 500 km, hopefully gathering people as she walks, encouraging everyone on Vancouver Island who cares about wild salmon to get out, make themselves seen, and show Ottawa & Victoria how many people want wild salmon.
A Mission Statement from Alex Morton: The Get Out Migration is a call to action to make government aware that we want wild salmon to take higher priority than farm salmon.  Farms belong on land.  We will start walking from Sointula, at the north end of Vancouver Island, on April 23 and arrive in Victoria May 8. 

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