April 30, 2010

Extremely serious oil leak in the Gulf of Mexico

      This is the worst oil leak ever 
- how are the Gulf coast going to survive this?
An estimated 42,000 gallons of oil per day are leaking from an oil well in the Gulf of Mexico since late April, as a result of an explosion at an offshore drilling rig on April 20, 2010. The rig eventually capsized and sank.
These images of the affected area were captured on April 25 by the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer on NASA’s Aqua satellite (top, wider view) and the Advanced Land Imager on NASA’s Earth Observing-1 (EO-1)satellite (bottom, close up).
In the top image, the Mississippi Delta is at image center, and the oil slick is a silvery swirl to the right. The oil slick may be particularly obvious because it is occurring in the sunglint area, where the mirror-like reflection of the Sun off the water gives the Gulf of Mexico a washed-out look. The close-up view shows waves on the water surface as well as ships, presumably involved in the clean up and control activities.
Source to this information comes from The NASA Earth Observatory
Read more about this very serious situation here : http://earthobservatory.nasa.gov/NaturalHazards/view.php?id=43768

April 18, 2010

Huge Sea trout jumping in Rio Grande - Argentina.

In my previous blog I mentioned how well Pool 32 Mag have been received, and through this situation I have had the pleasure of manny very pleasant mail dialogs with " fellow fly fishing brothers" from all over the globe.

One of those people was Barrett Mattison from "Faraway Fly fishing".
He has a really nice blog, with a lot of interesting fly fishing stuff - especially the photo gallery, where you will find some outstanding pic's - I'm living the wrong place !!!

But on the front of Barrett's blog you will find this YouTube video of a huge sea trout jumping in Rio Grande - check it out - it's a pure monster !!!

Here is a link to Barrett's Faraway Fly Fishing blog : http://farawayflyfishing.com/argentina%2Dfly%2Dfishing%2Dblog/

Thank you all so much for your support and very positive response

Pool 32 Mag has had a fantastic response from publishing our first issue. I have had the pleasure of a huge amounts of very positive mail dialogs with people all over the world.
And I really want to thank you all for this FANTASTIC response and support you have given me and Pool 32 Mag the last four days - it has been absolutely amazing - THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH !!

We must have done something right, because while I am writing this blog, the amount of page views is 94.487 in just four days!! :O)
(As you can see from this screen print of my Google analytic account - "sidevisninger" means page views in danish)

I will do my best to keep up with your expectations to the next issue of Pool 32 Mag !!! - and I can promise you that the July/August issue will "rock" - with photo sessions from Norway, Iceland, Austria etc.

Until then
Tight Lines out there :O)
M. Wengler.

April 16, 2010

Would you eat this...???

Would anyone eat fish if they saw how stock fish really lived
 - an sometimes looked like!!!!

It is very sad to look at these poor fish, probably didn't have a very nice life!

I Norway they apparently are beginning to se more and more "monster cods" along the coasts from Trøndelag, Troms and to Finnmark. What this deformation is a result of nobody can telle right now - could it be a result of Chernobyl?? or is it the results of how they feed the stock fish, with all kinds of chemical food ingredients (nobody will directly confirm this, but this kind of deformation, I have been seen in Danish stock fish too, so judge it for your self!!) So maybe some these stock fish one way or another (maybe under a big autumn storm, we see that happen every year in Denmark) gets out of their captivity, in the huge nets they are raised in, and then they spread along the coasts, and here they are caught by local fishermen.

This phenomenon is increasing rapidly so a group of scientists are working hard to find answers !!!???
I only hope these scientists will find out what the connection are - will find the source to this problem - find some relevant answers - soon, very soon indeed !!!.

Source to this blog is a very interesting environmental based website by the NMF (Norges miljøværnsforening = The Norwegian environmental asosiation) - check it out - lots of interesting stuff (also in english) - Link: http://www.nmf.no/default.aspx?pageId=121&articleId=2555&news=1

April 15, 2010

New world record brown trout

New Brown trout record ratified - and what a fish it is !!!

By a pound and three ounces, Tom Healy of Rockford, Michigan, USA, eclipsed the 17-year-old brown trout (Salmo trutta) world record with a 41 lb 7 oz (18.8 kg) fish pulled out of Michigan's Manistee River, on September 9, 2009.  The IGFA record he beat was a 40 lb 4 oz (18.25 kg) brown pulled from Arkansas’ (USA) Little Red River in May 9, 1992 by Howard Collins.

Link to full story here : http://www.theflyfishingforum.com/news/world_record_brown_trout.html

Urge the White House to Safeguard Recreational Fishing says the ASA

Not a complete stranger to a fly rod, President Obama trys out a new gift from Whitehouse staff.

Within the next few weeks, the Obama Administration is planning to issue a final report, and possibly other policy guidance, outlining the administration's plans to manage the nation's oceans, coastal areas and Great Lakes.
The plan started with a presidential memo released in June 2009 that ordered the development of a national ocean policy through the Interagency Ocean Policy Task Force.
The task force, led by the Chair of the Council on Environmental Quality, was charged with developing a national policy for conserving and managing the United States ocean territory and the Great Lakes.
The White House is in the final stages of developing the final report, which must balance sustainable uses with ocean and Great Lakes conservation.
Go to www.keepamericafishing.org to send a letter to President Obama and other key policy makers urging the task force to recognize and promote recreational fishing and boating in the national policy.

Source link to this info : http://www.theflyfishingforum.com/news/white_house_fishing.html

April 14, 2010

The scary truth about Norwegian Fish farms

How much longer will this be allowed ? - why can a few companies and stockholders rape the oceans, and get away with it??

Today I came across a very interesting website - The NMF - The Norwegian Environment Association - here I found these scary videos - have a look an learn more about what is really going on in the farmed fish industry.

Video Part 1

It is unhealthy and unsustainable - Don't by it, it is that simple!!!!

Video Part 2

April 9, 2010

The End of the Line DVD free in The Sunday Times this Sunday

The End of the Line DVD free in The Sunday Times this Sunday

Are there people you know who have not seen The End of the line yet but think they should? Well we have come up with a clever way of helping you spread the word. If you pick up a copy of The Sunday Times this Sunday you will find a clever little voucher for The End of the Line DVD. All you need to do is take that voucher to a Waitrose store and you will be given the DVD in exchange. Nice and simple! You can either keep it or give it to someone you want to see the film.

Link to End of The line : http://endoftheline.com/

Varde Å - a real succes story

The story about Guden åen - The Gods River
- and how the politicians chose to leave Tangeværket like a cork in the river, is a sad story indeed - BUT!!! - there are positive stories around. One of them is the story about Varde Å in Denmark, not that far from Gudenåen, by the way.

In the 2nd. issue of Pool 32 Mag we will bring a more detailed story about the Varde Å project - a huge conservation project which is in progress right now.

Rasmus Bohnensach has taken this nice picture of a beautiful 17 kg salmon, caught in Varde Å April 2010, by Jesper Petersen, on a fly.

Varde Å have had some amazing catch statistics lately, and the whole Varde Å project is a very positive success story.
A story that proves, that changes can be made - and it will pay off in the long term to do something - not just talk about it.

Visit Varde Å sportfishing association (in danish!!) : http://www.varde-sportsfiskerforening.dk/

Here you can se some more photos of the amazing catches lately !!

Tight Lines
M. Wengler

April 1, 2010

Gudenåen - free it now

My friend Meik with a sea trout from Gudenåen

Gudenåen is the longest river in Denmark, and it’s history goes way back to ancient times. It has always played an important role for the people living close to it - and still do. In 1921 the biggest hydroelectric plant in Denmark was established - called Tangeværket. Of course it changed the living conditions for the fish in this magnificent river, suddenly the salmons were cut of from their most important spawning grounds. No wonder it had a devastating effect on the original salmon tripe living there. - It disappeared completely.

Today the debate about Tangeværket have reached a high priority level among the a lot of interest groups all over Denmark. The Danish Sport fishing Federation (DSF) has demanded that Tangeværket is removed. Several biological experts have commented on the devastating biological effect it has on Gudenåen and whole biotope surrounding it, but despite all these relevant and very serious attempts to make the politicians wake up!! - nothing has happened yet!. They just constantly postponed any decision about this very relevant biological problem. A problem that has led to accusations against Denmark for not meeting the requirements, for the hydrological plan from EU.

But the most strange part of it all - Tangeværket can’t survive without governmental financial support - last I heard it got a mill. dkr. a year 

And if you look at the productivity of this very old hydroelectric plant, it produces less energy than a small windmill. 
But the insanity doesn’t stop here - If we look at the possibilities regarding economically growth for the whole area, there is a huge potential in developing this river into an area for exclusive recreative fishing.
Status right now, is that every political decision are postponed to 2012 - again - I might add, because this isn’t the first time they have done that. It is very sad decision whit out any kind of political vision. Hopefully it will all change one day - but I must admit I do not have very high expectations.
Stupidity Rules big time - there is a need for new brains - and visions - in this case, I am afraid!!!!!!!

Think about it......
"If you always do what you always have done - You will always get what you always got”.....but it isn’t very visionary!!

Tangeværket is just an outdated 

and old antique machine. 

It is time to close it down and use it as a museum - come on d

o something RIGHT for a change!