April 1, 2010

Gudenåen - free it now

My friend Meik with a sea trout from Gudenåen

Gudenåen is the longest river in Denmark, and it’s history goes way back to ancient times. It has always played an important role for the people living close to it - and still do. In 1921 the biggest hydroelectric plant in Denmark was established - called Tangeværket. Of course it changed the living conditions for the fish in this magnificent river, suddenly the salmons were cut of from their most important spawning grounds. No wonder it had a devastating effect on the original salmon tripe living there. - It disappeared completely.

Today the debate about Tangeværket have reached a high priority level among the a lot of interest groups all over Denmark. The Danish Sport fishing Federation (DSF) has demanded that Tangeværket is removed. Several biological experts have commented on the devastating biological effect it has on Gudenåen and whole biotope surrounding it, but despite all these relevant and very serious attempts to make the politicians wake up!! - nothing has happened yet!. They just constantly postponed any decision about this very relevant biological problem. A problem that has led to accusations against Denmark for not meeting the requirements, for the hydrological plan from EU.

But the most strange part of it all - Tangeværket can’t survive without governmental financial support - last I heard it got a mill. dkr. a year 

And if you look at the productivity of this very old hydroelectric plant, it produces less energy than a small windmill. 
But the insanity doesn’t stop here - If we look at the possibilities regarding economically growth for the whole area, there is a huge potential in developing this river into an area for exclusive recreative fishing.
Status right now, is that every political decision are postponed to 2012 - again - I might add, because this isn’t the first time they have done that. It is very sad decision whit out any kind of political vision. Hopefully it will all change one day - but I must admit I do not have very high expectations.
Stupidity Rules big time - there is a need for new brains - and visions - in this case, I am afraid!!!!!!!

Think about it......
"If you always do what you always have done - You will always get what you always got”.....but it isn’t very visionary!!

Tangeværket is just an outdated 

and old antique machine. 

It is time to close it down and use it as a museum - come on d

o something RIGHT for a change!

1 comment:

  1. Trist at politikkerne er så stupide!
    De skulle smides i vandet foran turbinerne og selv prøve hvordan det må være at blive mast i dem. Jeg opfordre ikke til mord men gid de ansvarlige for denne tragedie må dø en langsom og smertefuld død!
    Godt at der findes folk som slås for naturen. Tak til pool 32 mag for det fantastiske arbejde i udføre! I har min fulde opbakning!
    Mvh. Svend Erik Albertsen
