April 16, 2010

Would you eat this...???

Would anyone eat fish if they saw how stock fish really lived
 - an sometimes looked like!!!!

It is very sad to look at these poor fish, probably didn't have a very nice life!

I Norway they apparently are beginning to se more and more "monster cods" along the coasts from Trøndelag, Troms and to Finnmark. What this deformation is a result of nobody can telle right now - could it be a result of Chernobyl?? or is it the results of how they feed the stock fish, with all kinds of chemical food ingredients (nobody will directly confirm this, but this kind of deformation, I have been seen in Danish stock fish too, so judge it for your self!!) So maybe some these stock fish one way or another (maybe under a big autumn storm, we see that happen every year in Denmark) gets out of their captivity, in the huge nets they are raised in, and then they spread along the coasts, and here they are caught by local fishermen.

This phenomenon is increasing rapidly so a group of scientists are working hard to find answers !!!???
I only hope these scientists will find out what the connection are - will find the source to this problem - find some relevant answers - soon, very soon indeed !!!.

Source to this blog is a very interesting environmental based website by the NMF (Norges miljøværnsforening = The Norwegian environmental asosiation) - check it out - lots of interesting stuff (also in english) - Link: http://www.nmf.no/default.aspx?pageId=121&articleId=2555&news=1

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