March 9, 2010

Target Corporation don't sell farmed salmons anymore

It is a great morning, a great day - why!!?? - I got a great message in my mailbox, from a good friend Svend, this morning.

The no. 2 US discount retailer Target Corporation have made a fantastic decision.
Target have decided that it is no longer selling fresh, frozen or smoked farmed raised  salmons in it's 1744 stores nationwide!!!! 

Target have pronounced that they have made these changes - "to ensure that its salmon offerings are sourced in a sustainable way that helps to preserve abundance, species health and doesn't harm local habitats." 

Happily there are people out there who stripe to do the right thing, for a change!
People who care about the environmental development, and want to make better decisions, want to set new standards - and it makes me so happy!!! :O)

My biggest wish right now, is that this kind of brilliant decisions, will inspire others to follow the same path.

PS. this machine can manage 22 fish pr. minute.
         - it is a hard life being a salmon!!!!

Link to the story at Reuters:

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