March 9, 2010

Huge Grayling - a new world record is a fact.

The Grayling is called the Queen of the river, and I couldn't agree more - it is a very fascinating fish with it's beautiful colors.

They can give you a fair fight caught on light equipment and great fun as a fly fisherman, but to find them in a huge size like this one, is not an everyday event, simply because it is a new world record!!

In the austrian river Steinfeld on november 25, this beauty was caught by Adriano Garhantini from Austria. The weight were 4 pounds, 12 ounces, caught on a nymph.
The old record were from Finland's Latasenojoki River, caught in June 2008 - 3 pounds, 15 ounces.

Right now the paperwork for Mr. Garhantini's proud catch is being reviewed by the International Game Fish Association's record committee.

Huge congratulations with this amazing catch
- and all the best wishes from all of us at the Pool 32 Mag :O)

Tight lines


  1. What a joke!!!!!

    5 lbs a worldrecord????

    Never, I´ve caught graylings weighing between 2-2,5 kilos many times in northern Sweden and the swedish record is 3,35 kg, caught in Råstojaure 1966.

    Kiruna, Sweden

  2. Hi G. Tammert
    That sounds VERY interesting, I would be more than happy to bring some photos from such a beauty - and from Råstojaure as well.
    Just use to send us some pic's, and I'll make sure they are published - OK.
    Tight lines
