April 13, 2013

Mail from Alex Morton

The fight to save wild salmon from salmon feedlots just went to the next level!

Mercola, the world's #1 natural health website  just posted our bio-political documentary Salmon Confidential!  Over 10,000 more people have viewed the film in just a few hours for a total of over 90,000 views since it was released a few weeks ago.
I am touring Salmon Confidential through BC, 18 screenings in 20 days you can see the schedule here.   The showings are sparking very animated dialogue afterwards. So many people are fed up and are now taking action, visiting their supermarkets, talking to their BC candidates, signing the boycott and change.org petition.  Finally, people understand they are going to have to step up in large numbers if we are going to protect wild salmon from salmon feedlot disease. Thank you!
Highlights of the tour include the evening with the brilliant Elizabeth May Canada's first Green Party Member of Parliament, April 20 in Sidney BC (entry by donation) and David Suzuki on April 18 in Vancouver buy tickets.

Today's blog All Bark and Bite is on the economy of salmon feedlots vs the wild salmon economy. Not only do we get the poop end of this deal, Canadian tax payers are paying to compensate the fish farmers for the disease outbreaks they are creating and you can be eating virus infected salmon when you buy BC farm salmon. Many consider this unwholesome.
The Province of BC has the power to revoke the licences of occupation of all the salmon feedlots on key wild salmon migration routes if it is in the public interest. This industry is 98% Norwegian-owned it is in Norway's interest. Wild salmon are in Canadian's interest.  Read my blog, examine the economics, contact the leaders of the BC political parties and tell them it is time (emails at bottom of blog page).  There is no reason to continue this madness.  It is time for BC politicians to serve the people and this tremendous resource. Transition the few workers in the salmon feedlot industry to something less damaging and lets move forward with bringing wild salmon and the economy of BC back into the pink!
Wild salmon need us right now.  They need to stop breathing in salmon feedlot sewage as they try to swim to sea.

Thank you all who have stepped up!

Alexandra Morton

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