May 15, 2012

PLEASE Help Dr. Alexandra Mortons Testing Fund's urgent we find out how bad this situation really is.

Last fall we began testing salmon in BC for European viruses spreading worldwide in Atlantic salmon farms, which import millions of eggs into places like BC and Chile. We are using two of the top labs in the world and they are reporting a Norwegian heart virus in nearly 100% of the farm salmon (piscine reovirus) and two of the most deadly salmon flu mutations known in farm and wild salmon (ISAv). Because the Norwegian salmon farmers will not allow access to their fish, we are buying them in supermarkets. The heart virus can wash down your drain and enter your watershed. Canada,  BC and the Norwegian salmon farming industry in BC continue to refuse to acknowledge our test results, allowing these viruses to spread and mutate. This type of behavior caused the $2 billion ISA outbreak in Chile that was eventually traced to a Norwegian hatchery. We need to continue this work to learn the spread and source of these Europen viruses. Extrememly expensive testing is required because we not only have to detect the viruses, we have to catch them alive to meet the legal framework in Canada. Our first lab bill was $25,000. These viruses spill out of salmon farms on Canada's biggest wild salmon migration routes where wild salmon are collapsing. We are testing farm salmon, Oolichans, steelhead, and as many salmon runs as possible to provide answers.

We are not funded by any foundation or corporations. We do this work simply because we know how important wild salmon are and that their fate is tied to our own. Please know that every dollar makes a difference.

More information at

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