April 8, 2012

Mail from Alex Morton - election coming up


I am writing this because there is an election coming up that could do the local environment significant good and I think it is important to be aware of these opportunities if we are going to pass anything on to the future generations. 

My lawyer, Greg McDade, is running for election to the Board of Vancity - a co-operative/credit union, that works to better its communities, not for shareholder profit. A strong environmental voice on its Board would be good for wild salmon. If you have an account there, you can vote.  

McDade, was given a First Nation meaning "wolverine."  All who saw him question DFO, the CFIA and the fish farmers through the Cohen Inquiry can appreciate the good fit this name has to the man.

McDade has stood with me on the front line  defending wild salmon from the corporate salmon for years.  He was the head of Sierra Legal Defence Fund (Ecojustice).

He won our BC Supreme Court challenge against the Province of BC, the Government of Canada and the industry -  to stop the pretending that these were provincial "farms," and place them under the Fisheries Act, where government is supposed to protect wild fish.  No one thought it was possible to win this, except him.

He was my lawyer through the grueling Cohen Process, where he kept on working with his junior lawyer, Lisa Glowacki, long after the money ran thin.  I was deeply disturbed by the documents I was reading and McDade, helped me see how to stay focused and keep move forward

As the fish farm fight keeps moving up the political ladder, to where we are now standing at the door of the highest levels, I have to understand far more than the biology.  Greg has provided painfully honest comment and guidance drawing on decades of experience fighting for our environment.  He has read every situation we have encountered with uncanny accuracy - he does not waste time or energy chasing distractions.

McDade is rock in a world that is shifting rapidly and it is pretty clear that unless we pick up the pieces right now and start reassembling what we need to thrive, we are going to see changes that are not good for us.  He is a good guy to have on your side.

If you bank on-line, you can vote (www.vancity.com) anytime starting Tuesday, April 3. He’s #5 on the ballot. 

For more info, you can go to the Vancity site after April 3 or his facebook page: facebook/GregMcDadeforVancity, or contact him at gregforvancity@gmail.com.

More news soon, on the fish farm front.



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