February 7, 2012

Bristol Bay - Key Considerations for a Large-Scale Mine Proposal

                                BRISTOL BAY - LATEST NEWS  

If your are interested in reading a more detailed rapport about the considerations regarding establishing a huge mine right in the middle of one of the most significant and important spawning areas in the world, the use this direct link.
It's essential reading and gives you a perfect view of what's really on stake in this very important situation. If the multi billion industry get free hands and build this mine it could have devastating environmental consequences for the whole region.
Is it worth the risk ?? - and who is really going to benefit from such a mining project - the share holders or the local population......???

Key Considerations for a Large-Scale Mine Proposal

Wild Salmon Center and Trout Unlimited have produced a report examining the proposed Pebble Mine and its potential impacts on the wild salmon fishery of Bristol Bay, Alaska. This report describes significant ecological, economic, and cultural concerns raised by proposed development of the Pebble copper, gold, and molybdenum deposit in the headwaters of the Bristol Bay basin, which is home to North America's most abundant wild salmon fishery and the world's largest wild sockeye salmon run.

read the rest of this article HERE

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