January 2, 2012

Check out these great online catalogs from Patagonia

Check out these great online catalogs from Patagonia

You will find the latest November /December edition by clicking HERE.

....and past issues by clicking HERE


  1. I love fly fishing in Patagonia. My Patagonia Trips will remain as the most amazing vacations I have ever taken. I can not seem to find any other better places for fly fishing. I have been fishing for almost 20 years now and these shots you guys have here are awesome.

  2. Hi Mike
    Thanks for your positive comment, I really want to explore Patagonia myself one day, but it's quite a trip for me from Denmark.
    Anyway if you feel like showing some of your pic's from Patagonia in one of the future editions of Pool 32 Mag - then send me a mail
    (mail@pool32.com) and we could discuss the details for such an exciting photoessay with your shoots.
    All the very best
