December 16, 2011

I'm concerned...I'm really concerned....

Someone wrote to me that he thought that the Pool 32 blog were only focusing on the ISA situation at the moment, and to that I can only say - But of course!!!!! - this is a very serious situation for all of us.

The perspective of this virus and what it potentially can do, not only to all the exciting wild salmon (the farmed salmon I don't care about) - but also to us humans is not at all clear. In salmon it infect their whole biological system in such a terrible way, that if I start thinking about what would/could happen if the same symphtoms began showing in human bodies - then Hell would break loose - big time!!!.
Here is a very interesting article from the Living Ocean Website which just is another confirmation of what is going on in Canada right now - poor Canadians, your reputation will suffer a lot because of all these Norwegian owned fish farm companies.

PS don't forget to download the pdf of a DFO mail - it's just unbelievable and proof that this has been know for years!!!
Only one word comes to my mind, and it's  - "$almongate"

Evidence unveiled at federal Cohen Inquiry into Fraser River sockeye salmon

VANCOUVER, B.C. – A 2009 memo from Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO) entered into evidence at Canada’s federal Cohen Inquiry into the collapse of Fraser River sockeye Thursday reveals that salmon at the AquaBounty facility in Price Edward Island have tested positive for the Infectious Salmon Anaemia (ISA) virus.

The genetically-engineered (GE) salmon, currently under review by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration for potential sale to American consumers, tested positive for the ISA virus in November  2009. An email from a senior DFO fish health official was sent to the Canadian Food Inspection Agency, notifying the agency of the positive test results.

“AquaBounty’s genetically modified fish are in a closed, land-locked facility,” said Catherine Stewart of Living Oceans Society, the group whose research uncovered the evidence. “This suggests the virus could only have entered such a facility through eggs or smolts, proving once again that Canada must take action to both ban egg imports and implement more rigorous testing for ISA.”

In the notification to the food health authority, DFO notes that based on molecular strain testing at two separate laboratories, the virus appears to be a new strain of ISA. The email also states: “With respect to international exports of live fish or eggs from this facility, DFO would identify that the facility has tested positive for ISAv should we be asked to sign a fish health certificate for export.”

Download a pdf of the DFO email. The DFO email will be posted to the Cohen Commission website as Exhibit 2083.

For more information contact:
Catherine Stewart, Living Oceans Society
Cell: 604-916-6722 (call or text)

Ms. Stewart will be attending Cohen Inquiry hearings into ISAv Friday, Dec. 16 and Monday, Dec. 19.

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