November 19, 2011

Premier Clark promoting B.C. seafood in China

GUANGZHOU, CHINA - Premier Christy Clark is building on record-setting 2010 sales of B.C. agrifood products to China by promoting seafood to about 100 seafood industry representatives and buyers as part of the largest-ever B.C. seafood delegation to China.
The Premier spoke to the seafood industry representatives in Guangzhou on the second full day of her Jobs Trade Mission to China and India. The major seafood importers, wholesalers, processors, and hotel and restaurant buyers are a significant part of China's multi-billion dollar seafood sector, with distribution networks throughout southern China.
"B.C. exported $80 million of seafood to China in 2010, and that number is only going to grow as we build relationships that expand the market for B.C.'s seafood products," said Premier Clark. "The representatives of B.C. seafood companies are excited about the success they are having here, and that excites me because it means more new dollars are headed to B.C. coastal communities."

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