October 16, 2011

Do you REALLY want to know what is going on in the fish farm industry....

Scientist Alexandra Morton has written this rapport, after she has gone through thousands of  pages with classified information about what is really going on "behind the curtains" in the fish farming industry. Deceases spreading from these fish farms have been kept secret, and lots of other problems are suddenly being exposed, and all together a very sad picture is taking shape, creating a lot of questions for the DFO in Canada as well.

To me it's just yet another example of human greed - money is the only thing this fish farm industry cares about - event though the environmental consequences for a huge biotope like the west coast of Canada, where so much is at stake for so manny different spices - and humans (but who care about humans anyway, our beautiful blue planet are much better off our existence anyway !!). Without these sockeye runs everything will slowly die - Bears, Eagles, Killer Whales - Hell even the trees in the forrest need the salt and minerals from the bodies of these fish, so they will probably also disapear!!
But the fish farm industry doesn't give a "rattle of shize" - they can only spell one word and that 's DOLLAR$!!!!!!!!! 
You can clearly and with very good reason say that everybody in this industry - "are totally gone fishing!!" 

PS.but if they choose to go to one of their fish farm dominated rivers - they will only catch a lot of "dispear and sadness"!!!! SAD, SADSAD & and pure stupidity 

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