August 24, 2011

Mail from Alex Morton - Cohen Inquiry.

Wild Salmon People,

The Disease Hearings at the Cohen Inquiry have been riveting.  Finally, we are getting a look behind the scenes at how much consideration the wild sockeye have been given by DFO.  Dr. Kristi Miller has shown up daily in the audience shadowed by a very large government security guard wearing an earpiece.  Salmon farm executives are there, Chief Bob Chamberlin, Dan Cody DFO, Policy Advisor and lots of wild salmon people are also witnessing this.

For details see my blog daily: 

Tomorrow Kristi Miller gets to speak.

Alexandra Morton

     "Fisheries and Oceans researcher Kristi Miller still not talking" (The Globe & Mail, 23rd August): 
"Fish scientist accused of avoiding research" (CBC, 23rd August): 
"Salmon farming on the hot seat at Cohen Commission" (The Vancouver Sun, 23rd August): 
I really look forward to follow Kristi Millers statement very closely tomorrow - and I deeply hope she will stand up and tell us all what is really going on in this industry, which brings so much dead and diseases to the all rivers and wild salmon stock round the globe.

Pool 32 Mag 

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