Over the weekend Don Staniford found minutes of a recent meeting of Cermaq's BC Corporate Team posted on the web. This posting has now disappeared, but not before we saved it.
In it the Cermaq's BC Corporate Team is asked to keep quiet on the "situation" in BC.
I have explained the context of this in my blog: http://alexandramorton.typepad.com/
I strongly suggest that if you want to see BC wild salmon survive that you attend the fish farm hearings at the Cohen Commission in Vancouver, August 25 - September 9 (check commission website to confirm as date approaches as they have experienced many delays). I will be blogging about the proceedings. However, if you have a legal or personal interest in wild salmon, nothing is better than witnessing this first hand.
First Nations, commercial and sport fishing organizations, wilderness tourism associations, municipal governments, environmental organizations, MLAs, MPs the NDP, Conservatives, Liberals, Green Party should all send representatives. I don't believe in the power of government to work for the people anymore. I don't believe the Cohen Commission will be able to save the Fraser sockeye without us. But together, truth can be served. Justice Cohen has done his part by making the province of BC release their salmon farm disease records. No one has ever done that before worldwide, but what we do with this information is up to us, the wild salmon people.

If you can donate even the smallest amount of money, we can stay with this until people with real resources realize that it is time for them to step in and help us.
There are no losers here. We can protect the 1,250 fish farm jobs, but where we are headed now is not serving them either.
Many of us received a huge advertisement newspaper from the BC Salmon Farmers in the mail this week. They are spending millions to make us think Atlantic salmon we are not allowed near, fed on fish shipped from Chile are better and more sustainable than the millions of wild salmon that flowed home to us every year. They spread stories that I am a corporation, wealthy, funded by Americans. They are so deep in this now, they don't see what they have become.
Thank you for sticking with me on this,
Alexandra Morton

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