June 29, 2011

New GREAT photo blog from New Zealand

We all know that New Zealand is a fly fishing Paradise - so I believe it's a dream for most fly fishers to travel to New Zealand just one time before we go.
But now there is a new blog out shoving some of the extreme beauty of this fantastic country, by presenting a wide range of fly fishing photographers amazing work.
So if you feel tempted to go to New Zealand for a fishing trip, then this is the places to wisit for some great inspiration to your trip.
Personally I want to go back my suitcase and drive to the airport right now, after looking at these pic's - New Zealand here I come!!!!!

PS. here is a couple of examples of some of the photographer you will find on this new great photo blog from NZ - hope you will enjoy it as much as I did !!!!!

Photographer : Craig Somerville


  1. Legendary work Mark, Thanks for seeing our point of view and puhing the fact that NZ is still here intact after the quakes in Christchurch. Putting our best foot forward.
    Craig Somerville

  2. I'm just happy to help out telling the world what a sublime place you have down there - I wish I could leaveDenmark right this moment and go to NZ for a fly fishing adventure beyond everything else on this planet. Hope you know that are living in fly fishing Paradise :O)
