I am deep in research preparing for the late August aquaculture hearings by the Cohen Commission. While I cannot speak about those findings, because confidentiality is required to have access to the Cohen documents, much of my research has taken me into the public realm.
In the first years of the salmon feedlot occupation of the waters around my home in Echo Bay I was angry at how my neighbours and the wildlife were treated. Then I learned to take a deep breath and take a more good-natured long-haul approach.
These past few weeks I have taken a close look at the regulatory structure built to contain salmon feedlots in BC and now I am angry again. The very highest levels of government have "assured" me and others that there were mechanisms in place to protect our coast from the most dangerous farm salmon virus traveling around the world with Atlantic salmon feedlots. But when I really looked at the regulations I found that at every location where they could have caught ISAv there was a gaping hole.... except where trade sanctions loomed, then the proper documentation surfaces.
All the time a Minister, Member of Parliament, Direct General of Science, and Director of Aquaculture were assuring us our salmon were protected there was in fact not one single regulation or even guideline that could find.
I have explained in my blog:
I don't know how much anyone really cares about wild salmon, it is hard to tell at times, but we have been played for fools. This is so unnecessary, there are no losers in a world of contained aquaculture and vibrant, productive oceans.
If you care to know read my blog and consider the action I suggest.
Alexandra Morton
PS. make sure to visit Alex's blog - SO MUCH interesting stuff to read, and this fantastic woman does an amazing job protecting and fighting for wild salmon stock - she has my deepest respect.
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