March 24, 2011

Target says NO to dirty gold

3rd largest retailer signs on to
the Golden Rules of Responsible Sourcing

On March 24th Target, the third-largest retail chain in the U.S., signed on to the No Dirty Gold campaign’s "Golden Rules" for more responsible metals mining.
In doing so, Target sent a clear message to its consumers and suppliers:  they want nothing to do with dirty gold.
Because Target is one the top 10 retailers of jewelry in the country, its support could significantly boost the effort to clean up gold mining. To date, more than 70 other jewelry retailers with combined US sales of more than $13.5 billion - nearly a quarter of the US market - have signed on.¨

This has happened because of "consumer power"

More than 100,000 people have signed on to the No Dirty Gold consumer pledge. And thousands of these No Dirty Gold members, and over 20,000 members of, the world's fastest growing platform for social change, have called on retailers and mining companies to provide alternatives to dirty gold.

It looks like this - 

"Consumer power rules!!!"

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