January 8, 2011

The Clean Ocean Project - these guy's are environmental heros!!!

The Clean Ocean Project - is a fantastic project which we all could learn a lot from, so please help Pool 32 support these guy's as much a possible. They do such a fantastic job cleaning up all the SHIT!! we humans dump in our fragile oceans.

I will do my very best to help spreading this movement all over the globe, it's the only way "reduce, reuse, re circle" so visit their Facebook page and give them your full support HERE - and also visit their Clean Ocean Blog HERE

Here is a couple of pic's from "their world", this is what they see while the rest of us are sitting in front of our computers, slowly loosing contact with what is really going on in the real world outside. This is what I would call "environmental heros" - fabulous work guy's - keep it up, you got Pool 32's 100% support.

Support this project - visit them at Facebook HERE

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