January 29, 2011

Save Yellowstone and Greater Rockies.

This need your attention, again!!!
Why do these companies never rest, they should protect and restore instead of constantly destroying the wildlife of our beautiful planet. Here is as link as always to a pre-made mail message. Again the only thing you have to do is to fill it out and send it - 2 min of your time and no expenses at all. Easy, fast and very effective consumer power!!

January 27, 2011

You've gotten under Walmart's skin. Keep the letters coming!

Use this link to a pre-made message, so we can keep on sending this message to Mr. Duke at  Walmart

January 26, 2011

Rise - Fly Fishing Film Festival 2011

Recharge this winter as 'Rise - Fly Fishing Film Festival 2011', the world's largest fishing film festival, hits theatres on a European tour. Over the last five years the festival has become the premier event on fly fishers calendars across nine countries and two continents.
The festival will sweep Europe as a limited release and will stop in eight cities, including Puy-en-Velay, Reykjavik, Helsinki, Oulu, Ljubljana, Zurich, Copenhagen, Warsaw, Vienna, Munich and Tampere.
Rise - Fly Fishing Film Festival 2011 features stunning movies from global destinations including Iceland, New Zealand, Australia and Mexico. Gin-Clear Media’s "THE SOURCE - ICELAND" is the feature movie of the festival. Part of a series, THE SOURCE exposes lesser-known fly fishing destinations from around the world.
The film festival will present the best adventure fly fishing films of 2011 in a big screen extravaganza. The mission of the festival is to inspire audiences with epic adventures, strong stories and big fish in pristine environments.
Purchase Tickets
For tickets to Icelandic events and information in Icelandic please click here


Billets pour le festival et informations en français cliquez ici

For tickets to Danish events please click here

For tickets to Slovenia events please click here

Coming soon

I saw this show in Sweden just before christmas 2010 - and it was really great, something you DO NOT want to miss. So hurry up and get some tickets to this great show in a town near your home.

January 22, 2011

Tell Walmart you're not fooled by its Love, Earth dirty gold

Tell Walmart you're not fooled by its "Love, Earth" dirty gold

Use this direct link to this signup formula HERE

Follow Alexandra Mortons new blog - very interesting reading.

Global State of Salmon Feedlots
While the politics of salmon feedlots are murky, it is clear they have altered the biology of coastlines worldwide. Large schools of salmon are no longer migrating. Predators are no longer culling the diseased.  Young wild salmon are no longer shielded from the diseases of their parents and bacteria.  Viruses and parasites are free to become more virulent, because farm salmon hosts never survive to maturity - they are slaughtered (Pulkkinen et al. 2010).
Ecosystems are powerful machines running on sun and water. Diseases are the long arm of nature’s law – shutting down organisms that disrupt the natural order life on earth depends on. Wild Pacific salmon live by a strict set of rules including:
·         mandatory migration,
·         death of each generation before the next one is born
·         predators that remove the contagious as soon as they get sick. 
Feedlots try to replace these powerful mechanisms with drugs. But drugs are a short-term weapon, relying on surprise attack as pathogens mutate to construct shields against each new chemical.  The resulting battles present escalating risk to us from more toxic drugs and drug resistant disease. Chicken, beef and pork farmers try to prevent disease from entering their fragile monoculture environments with quarantine. Because they choose not to shovel their manure, salmon feedlots have put themselves in the ocean, in net pens, among wild fish with no quarantine possible.  Thus they have sown their own demise.
A quick tour around the world makes it clear salmon feedlots are operating on borrowed time ecologically, legally and economically.
Raising salmon in net pens began in Norway, thus Norway is a forerunner. Today, nine out of ten salmon rivers in the heavily farmed Hardanger Fjord have collapsed and sea lice and escaped fish from salmon feedlots are blamed. The lice became resistant to one drug after the next and they are now pumping farm salmon into well boats and bathing them in Hydrogen Peroxide trying to kill the lice. However, a very large number of farm salmon in Norway are weakened with Pancreatic Disease and this extreme delousing procedure is more than the fish can handle.
Georg Fredrik Rieber-Mohn, the former Attorney General of Norway was tasked to protect Norway from salmon feedlots:
In 1999, I was proud to present the so-called “wild salmon plan” which proposed national protection for the 50 best salmon rivers and the 9 most important fjord-systems across Norway – the national laksfjords – where salmon farms would be prohibited. However, intense lobbying from the salmon farming industry watered down the proposals so that by the time they passed the parliament in 2007 the protected fjords had become smaller and gave less protection against the salmon farming industry. The result has been a heavy defeat for wild salmon and a huge win for sea lice. Put simply, we had an open goal to save wild salmon but we missed the target. Now we are dealing with the consequences of poor defending.” (Open letter to Canada, Feb 16, 2010)
The Norwegian Institute of Marine Science is considered the founder of the salmon feedlot industry. But in a report released on January 12, 2011, “Risk assessment – environmental impacts of Norwegian fish farming,” they report there is high probability that salmon farming conflicts with Norway’s sustainability strategy because sea lice and escaped salmon are such significant risk factors to wild salmon. They suggest the industry is no longer sustainable <http://www.imr.no/nyhetsarkiv/2011/januar/lus_og_romming_odelegger/en>  
New Brunswick
Canada tried to limit the delousing drug arsenal to Slice, considered the least damaging chemical to wild fish because it is administered in the food instead of as a bath.  Predictably the lice are becoming resistant and so AlphaMax and Salmosan have now been approved. The feedlots are tarped, the drugs are poured in and when they are done the tarps are lifted and the drug flows out. Lobsters are a very valuable fishery that people in New Brunswick depend on and Environment Canada found that AlphaMax kills lobsters (http://fundytides.blogspot.com/2010/12/aquaculture-test-of-alphamax-shows.html). The salmon farmers asked for another round of testing and the drug remains in use.
When hundreds of valuable lobsters turned up dead near salmon feedlots and tested positive for an illegal delousing drug, cypermethrin, Environment Canada sent 29 officers with a search warrant into the offices of a salmon feedlot company last November.  The investigation is ongoing (http://wn.com/Enviroment_Canada_raids_Cooke_Aquaculture_offices). Meanwhile, the lice are so hard to control some salmon farmers are reportedly now using Hydrogen Peroxide in well boats as well.
A large percentage of wild salmon in Eastern Canada are now infected with a virus called Infectious Salmon Anemia which was unheard of before it began erupting in thousands of farm salmon.
Sea lice are also growing on farm salmon in Chile and heavy infestations have been reported on wild fish outside the pens. Eight different drugs have reportedly been used in their ongoing battle to control the lice.
Norwegian companies are operating in Chile and a Norwegian strain of the Infectious Salmon Anemia virus (ISAv) has spread through the industry causing its collapse in 2008/9. Every country with Norwegian salmon feedlots now has ISA, but this was the first time no one could argue wild fish had infected the farm salmon, as the current Norwegian strain could not have reached Chile in wild fish. As the enormous Chilean farm salmon supply dwindled, the global price of farm salmon increased actually benefiting some of the Norwegian companies operating in Chile.  Although the industry is now moving into pristine Chilean waters the virus is following them, suggesting it could now be in a wild species of fish and Chile is permanently contaminated. Chilean production remains a fraction of what it was a few years ago.
One hundred eighty tonnes of ISA infected Chilean salmon were processed in November 2010. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration appears to consider ISA infected salmon safe for human consumption, but a group of Chilean Senators have become concerned and filed a petition to prohibit sale of ISA infected salmon for human consumption. The virus is reportedly in the same family as the flu. 
In Scotland, sea lice and ISA virus are also a big problem.   Rivers of sea trout and wild salmon are collapsing in a pattern that points to salmon feedlots.
When the Scottish government informed the salmon feedlot industry last March that it was going to publish the details of their salmon feedlot inspection reports the Scottish Salmon Producers threatened legal action.  The government not only halted their release they have not inspected salmon farms since April 2010. The Atlantic Salmon Trust headed by the Prince of Wales launched an attack on the Scottish Government over its "laissez-faire policies" towards fish farming…”  (The Scotsman, Jan 2, 2011).

British Columbia
Three Norwegian companies now own 92% of the salmon feedlots in BC. Fish farmers, themselves are asking how long before ISA virus gets to BC (Intrafish Jan 12, 2009), scientists warn it can be transported in eggs, but the Minister of Fisheries doesn’t believe them and continues to allow eggs from the Atlantic into BC.
Salmon feedlots may run counter to the Constitution of Canada because they attempt to privatize ocean spaces. Management of the industry was unlawfully transferred to the provincial government in 1989. BC Supreme Court reversed this in 2009 forcing the federal government to resume responsibility.  When government informed the salmon farmers that their disease records would be made public in March 2010, the industry stopped making the fish in their sites available for disease testing. This extreme measure to maintain secrecy raises the question – what are they hiding here and in Scotland.
The industry is pushing hard for expansion despite over 5000 people marching on the Parliament Buildings in May 2010 to get salmon feedlots out of BC waters.  Research has shown sea lice from these feedlots are damaging wild salmon populations and leaked documents suggest government is suppressed news of a mysterious virus infecting wild sockeye salmon that have been exposed to salmon feedlots. Sockeye are a $1 billion public fishery and wild salmon support a $1.6 wilderness tourism industry with 52,000 fulltime equivalent jobs.
There is now a judicial inquiry underway into the catastrophic 18-year collapse of sockeye salmon and Justice Cohen has demanded release of the industry’s disease records.  The first ever First Nation Class Action Suit has been certified by the courts to sue government for damage to a First Nation territory by salmon feedlots.  Government has appealed this decision which First Nations view as a delay tactic.
The Global Economics
The money in salmon feedlots is in corporate shares, not the fish themselves. This means each company must find a way to continuously expand. For the larger players acquiring a new site here and there is not fast enough growth to satisfy shareholders (Bloomberg.com) and so they consolidate into fewer and larger companies. However, Marine Harvest, the world’s biggest salmon farming corporation and the dominant company in BC, is running out of room for expansion. They have reportedly filed a complaint to the European Free Trade Association over Norwegian rules preventing ownership of more than 25% of all licenses in Norway. http://www.seafoodsource.com/newsarticledetail.aspx?id=4294999450
With Chile now contaminated with a Norwegian virus, eastern Canada under investigation, the Prince of Wales angry at the Scottish government’s handling of the industry, Norway saturated and in a biological catch-22; British Columbia has become extremely vulnerable, unprotected by its own governments and the target of this rapacious industry.  Many of these huge industrial facilities are operating on expired tenures in BC and government is just letting them carry on business as usual.  Federal and provincial governments are now threatening their own elections by supporting of this highly mechanized low-paying job industry.
Salmon are carnivores.  Fish are caught in the South Pacific, transported the length of the globe, thrown back in the water to make less fish.  A more brilliant approach are the Canadians fish farmers who want to grow fish in tanks, using the fish waste to grow vegetables and the plants to filter the fish water (Northern Aquaculture Nov/Dec 2010, page 13).
In November 2010, John Fredriksen, richest man in Norway and largest shareholder in Marine Harvest, sold 250 million shares in the company (www.bloomberg .com) causing share prices to tumble.  Mr. Fredricksen promised Marine Harvest a 180-day grace period in which he would not sell anymore shares.
Rather than soaking up lice and disease the industry needs to close the door and keep their fragile feedlot creatures in quarantine.
Industrial marine salmon feedlots have had their day.  They got away with breaking the natural laws, but Mother Nature has caught up with them.  Without BC this industry has nowhere to expand, if it expands in BC we have no reason to expect a different fate than all these others places.  There are many
There is a $million ad campaign now on primetime TV in BC and on GOOGLE ads telling people not to believe everything they read about salmon farms. I agree, which is why we need to look around the world 
 Alexandra Morton

Follow Alex's new blog HERE 

and follow Alex on Facebook 

January 19, 2011

January 15, 2011

Pebble dialogue opens with wrong question

Today, the Pebble Limited Partnership will unveil its latest round of tactics in its quest for North America's largest copper and gold mine, planned for the headwaters of Bristol Bay's prolific salmon fishery. It appears that by hiring The Keystone Center, PLP is doing little more than attempting to purchase social acceptance under the guise of public outreach. As noted by Keystone representative Dr. Todd Bryan, Keystone will kick off its dialogue process on the proposed Pebble mine with an independent panel titled "Responsible Large-Scale Mining: Global Perspectives."
Yet, while they tout the idea of dialogue process, their approach is flawed from the start. First, they are beginning with the wrong question. Rather than asking if a mine of this sort should be built in a place like Bristol Bay, Keystone is asking "how to build a mine in Bristol Bay?" If PLP and Keystone were truly interested in public dialogue and community mediation, then they would begin with the first question, not the latter one.
The question for discussion here should not focus on whether it might theoretically be possible to build a "responsible mine" in Bristol Bay. The issue with Pebble is that it creates risks to the prolific salmon fishery of Bristol Bay and the communities that depend upon those resources. As we have seen before from other industries, risks exist and, whether intended or not, accidents happen. Take the Gulf oil spill as an example. More concerning, however, is the reality that if PLP were truly interested in responsible mining, they wouldn't have violated water use permits more than 45 times throughout their exploration process.

Read the rest of this great article at the Anchorage Daily News 

January 14, 2011

New Fly Gal Nation Website online now.

New and exciting Fly Gal Nation website online now

Fly Gal Nation was created in 2007 by British Columbian Steelhead angler/guide, April Vokey; a Federation of Fly Fishers (FFF) certified casting instructor and co-host of “Fly Nation TV”.

Originally based around local fisheries and workshops geared primarily for women, April’s vision was to bring specialized courses and instruction to other female anglers and newcomers to the sport.
However, with the expansion of Fly Gal, it soon became apparent that it wasn’t just the ladies who were interested in experiencing the unique off road adventures of the West Coast, and it didn’t take long for the guys to jump on board.

Fly Gal welcomes all anglers - men, women, children, beginners, seasoned professionals, individuals, couples, corporate groups…and everyone in between.
To stay true to our roots, and maintain the feminine “twist” that was integral to the creation of Fly Gal, we proudly collaborate with some of the finest female guides, instructors and hosts in the industry.
Naturally, all of our guides, both men and women, are among the finest within their specialty and we are proud to have them working with Fly Gal.

Hosted Trips
We spend a great deal of time on the road filming, presenting and, of course, fishing. Our hosted trips consist solely of destinations that we have experienced first-hand. We take you where we know you’ll have a great time, and we take care of all the details so your trip can be worry and hassle free (at no extra charge to you).

Our hosts are industry professionals whose goal is to ensure that your trip is both enjoyable and memorable.
When you’re off the water, we also offer complimentary presentations ranging from fly-tying, casting and angling techniques, to photography.
We want your trip to be special, and we ensure that you’re taken care of from the second you step off the plane to the second you step back on it.

Don't hesitate to Visit Fly Gal Nation, and check out the wide range of exciting fly fishing stuff they offer - use this direct link 

January 11, 2011

Pool 32 Mag - 3 rd. edition on it's way

Right now I am very busy creating the next layout for issue # 3 of Pool 32 Mag. It's therefore not possible for me to find the time to write so many new blog posts here on the Pool 32 Blog.

 But don't worry - I'll be back!!!

January 10, 2011

Alex Morton - a true environmental Hero.

If anybody is fighting for environmental issues in a way that it becomes a lifestyle it's Alex Morton. She is one of the true environmental Heros on this planet, and I believe she would be one of the best representatives for a political position, simply because she REALLY CARES!!!
Not something you can say about a lot of those in charge of the political scene world wide.

If you want to get closer to this amazing woman then visit her Facebook profile HERE - or visit her website HERE where you will find a lot of very interesting informations.

So dear Alex keep up your fantastic work - It really warms my soul to know there are people out there with the guts to stand up against this environmental development from fish farms.

Salmon Farm Diseases and Sockeye

Why isn't anybody within the political scene stopping this madness, before it is too late???

January 8, 2011

The Clean Ocean Project - these guy's are environmental heros!!!

The Clean Ocean Project - is a fantastic project which we all could learn a lot from, so please help Pool 32 support these guy's as much a possible. They do such a fantastic job cleaning up all the SHIT!! we humans dump in our fragile oceans.

I will do my very best to help spreading this movement all over the globe, it's the only way "reduce, reuse, re circle" so visit their Facebook page and give them your full support HERE - and also visit their Clean Ocean Blog HERE

Here is a couple of pic's from "their world", this is what they see while the rest of us are sitting in front of our computers, slowly loosing contact with what is really going on in the real world outside. This is what I would call "environmental heros" - fabulous work guy's - keep it up, you got Pool 32's 100% support.

Support this project - visit them at Facebook HERE

January 7, 2011

5.7 kg Brown trout - treated very wrong!!

This brown trout is beautiful - 5.7 kg -  a brown trout of that size is an old fish, sadly they kill it, and treat it very respects less by trowing it on the ground like some kind of dirt. A perfect example of how you shouldn't handle such a beautiful fish. It should have been caught, photographed quickly - and released gently. Then it would have been an even bigger fish today. Sad to watch and I only show this movie here at the Pool 32 Blog as an example of what you should not do if you ever catch a fish like that.

January 6, 2011

The Human race only respect one thing - MONEY!!!

Support Fish fight NOW - use this direct link

This is how the pre made sign up formula looks like - don't hesitate we need your signature to stop this madness now.

They do a really great job and are supported by a wider range of know profiles like Jamie Oliver an lot's of other famous people - check the list here

Shark finning - TAKE ACTION NOW

Join the Shark Side check out the EcoHustler website for much more relevant informations and some really cruel videos

Here is some ideas on how to take action, quite easy but yet very powerful consumer tools.


Ancient and awesome creatures from planet Earth need your help. If you live in a big city the chances are that near you people are profiteering through the brutal killing and trade of endangered species which is tipping marine ecosystems out of balance. Up-market Chinese restaurants around the world make big bucks selling endangered shark fins. This cruel and unnecessary trade is about to reach its annual peak this Chinese New Year (February 3rd 2011). It is time for us to take action.
What you can do:
Beginner: draw up a list of up-market Chinese restaurants near you (use google). Ring them and ask if they serve shark fin soup. If they say yes ask to speak to the manager. Let her know that you and your friends are deeply disturbed by the damage caused by this trade and that you will never visit the restaurant until shark fin is removed from the menu.
Intermediate: same as above but visit the restaurant in person, ask to see the manager and explain the case (see below). Consider handing out some flyers to customers explaining the harm caused by global shark finning (flyers to follow: watch this space).
Hustler: ring the target restaurant. Ask if they serve shark fin, if yes, book a table for 12. Don’t turn up. Ring the following day and explain to the manager that you and your friends will keep booking tables (on random nights) and not show up until shark fin is removed from the menu. Repeat.
Please pass it on to everyone you know.

January 4, 2011

Help NRDC protect the Cabo Pulmo National Marine Park

Help NRDC protect the Cabo Pulmo National Marine Park
use this direct LINK to this pre made mail message, it's easy, it's simple - and it's important!!

New trailer from MollandMedia.com

Watch this beautiful new trailer from Mollan Media, absolutely stunning stuff.
This is exactly why we all love fly fishing

Welcome to Grayling Land - by Aki Huhtanen

Aki Huhtanen from Finland just sent these pic's to me from Grayling Land alias Finland, and it seems like they are catching some REALLY SERIOUS grayling up there in the "Land of the 1000 lakes".
I have to visit this place one day for sure, with my rod, reel and mosquito net!! - like any other super fishing destination, these small blood sucking creatures are one of the reason why our beloved fish thrives in the first place :O)

Here is a little photo essay from Grayling Land by Aki Huhtanen
PS. click on pictures for a larger view.  


Getting ready for some serious Grayling fishing - with a big smile!!!

If you should want to connect with Garyling Land and Aki 
then here is the links to their websites

And here is the direct mail address: info@graylingland.com