December 1, 2010

This is pure damage control - a typical "slippery" mining advertisement

(When not working in the mine, this guy is working part time as a model!! :o)

Here is how one blogger comments on this posting:

"My take is that when a company needs to take out a sizable ad campaign like this one, it’s in need of some serious damage control.  Case in point – Anglo American’s involvement in the proposed Pebble Mine.  The project, which is in advanced exploration has already been found guilty of three years of water violations – so much for Good Water!  And, as for good manners.  It’s point man in Alaska – John Shively – recently called opponents of the mine “terrorists” for pursuing legal avenues in court.  The opponents to the mine – the so-called “terrorists” – are local fishermen and Alaska Native leaders concerned about the impacts of the proposed mine to the wild salmon fishery that sustains their lives and livelihood.  So much for Good Manners!  Like I said – damage control!"

LINK : I Think Mining

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