December 18, 2010

Photo diary from New Zealand Vol. 2

Pool 32 and Castabroad have joined forces showing you this amazing photo journey through the backcountry of New Zealand, thanks to Craig Somerville, who has shoot these great pictures from the fantastic fly fishing scene down there.
It has always been a dream of mine traveling to New Zealand, exploring the great fly fishing down there. But it's a long journey from Denmark, so before it becomes a reality (and you can be sure that it will happen one day!!!)  I have to settle with these stunning pictures from Craig and Castabroad.

Pool 32 and Castabroad will also show this photo journey at the EWF App - so don't miss this opputunity to get this Photo Diary direct in your hand, download it HERE.

(PS.  it's free and you will get access to a wide range of interesting fly fishing stuff through this App.)

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