December 2, 2010

Morrum river - the problems was exposed in the TV4 news.

The whole town is dependent of the fishing for the huge may springers, which fishermen and woman desires every year. But conditions are just getting worse every year, and 2010 was one of the worst seasons ever. Nothing seems to have been done by Sveakrog, who runs the place for the Swedish government. They should have acted years back to nurse and follow everything very closely, instead of realizing the problems now, where things are REALLY bad - and very sad!!

I believe they should setup a workgroup with some of the danish scientists,who's been behind the Skjern å project - which is a huge success right now as I'm writing this blog.
Pool 32 Mag would be more than happy to establish the contact, behind such a project, just send us a mail.

Link : to P4 News

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