November 29, 2010

CHOKING PICTURES - from underneath the Norwegian fish farms.

I can't understand why this is allowed. Every politician is totally "CO2 hyped" which is fine, but this goes on every second all over the world where these "fish factories" are present, and nobody seems to do anything about it - Why?? - it is big business of course!!!.
It's is a political scandal and a sin to neglect the environmental problems associated with these fish farms, but as in so many other situations - money rules - as usually.
Only thing to do is to stop buying these salmon, they are "puffed and stuffed" with chemicals  anyway, and not suitable for human food.

This video is in Norwegian, but have a look at the pictures from the sea bead 300 meter underneath one of these "fish factories" - it's totally dead!!!

NORWEGIAN HORRORS - Fish farms destroying our fjords from Norges Miljøvernforbund on Vimeo.

And here is a video a very interesting video fro Canada - so sad - where is the politicians?

Norwegian fish farming in Canada. from Norges Miljøvernforbund on Vimeo.

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