November 25, 2010

Alaska’s Choice - Salmon or Gold??

In the latest edition of the very informative and free Sportsman's Alliance newsletter from Alaska, they have brought focus on the Bristol Bay cause, and this time this serious matter is supported by National Geographic.

In the December (paper) edition of National Geographic, which hits newsstands dec. 1 st. you will find a huge exposure of the controversy proposal to establish one of the largest mines ever build, right in the middle of some of the most fragile environmental surrounding on this planet. But for you who can't wait for the paper edition, the online edition of this article is now available - look further down, and you will find a bit of this very exciting article written by Edwin Dobb.

Also make sure to have a look the fantastic slide show from the brilliant photographer Michael Melford HERE - Pool 32 only show a few of them, but they are absolutely stunning, nothing less.

Here is a little taste of these breathtaking images from photographer Michael Melford

From National Geographic by Edwin Dobb
All that the American West once was, Alaska still is. Abounding with natural marvels and largely untouched by human ambition, it strikes the newcomer as a land of endless prospect, an impression vividly reinforced from the passenger seat of a low-flying Cessna 180. Rick Halford, a bush pilot and former Republican state legislator, is showing me a piece of Alaska tucked between national parks and other protected lands about 250 miles southwest of Anchorage: the heart of the Bristol Bay watershed. Never was the term more meaningful. In every direction the dominant feature of the landscape, the element that binds everything together, is water. Within this 40,000-square-mile area are nine major rivers fed by dozens of tributaries that sometimes resemble stiff tree branches, sometimes sinuous arteries. Here are ponds so great in number and whimsical of shape they call to mind a crowded Joan Miró canvas stretching to the horizon. In more places than not, the water table lies near the surface, producing seeps and springs, continually recharging the spongelike tundra. This is a wet place indeed.
Read the rest HERE

Also check the KTUU Television from Anchorage, they have made a series about the subject HERE 

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