October 24, 2010

Salmon Farm Diseases and Sockeye

Curious about what is happening with Fraser sockeye? This film illustrates the basic dynamics of salmon migration routes, diseases in farms and our government’s role in the depletion of our most precious resource.
This new video looks at the interaction between our Fraser sockeye salmon and the 70+ salmon farms on their migration route. Disease is much more serious than sea lice.  If you remove the farm, the sea lice problems vanish, but even if you remove a disease-producing farm the disease can remain in the wild populations for many years.  This film outlines unequivocal evidence that disease from farms represents the perhaps the biggest threat to our wild fish.
Currently a judicial inquiry into the decline of the Fraser sockeye is underway. The Cohen Commission begins its evidentiary hearings on Oct 25. This film has been produced so people can understand the dynamics at play and follow the progression of the hearings.
 It will be especially interesting to watch as the issues outlined in this film are played brought forth in the courtroom. Until now, the salmon farming industry & DFO have been able hide these serious issues by confusing the public, as they are free to deny the mountains of evidence that farms are harming the wild stocks, even science published in the worlds top scientific journals. For more info go to these links: http://salmonaresacred.org/ or http://cohencommission.ca/en/Presentation.php

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