August 4, 2010

The Shell oil spill - has finally stopped - Join NRDC and Robert Redford in preventing anymore disasters like this one.

Just a short blog about the Shell oil spill, which finally seems to have been stopped - after 9.4 million barrels of heavy and thick oil have been spilled into the the Mexican Gulf - a true environmental disaster. We can only pray that this will never happen again.
I therefore urge you to support the NRDC and Robert Redford in their fight against any more of these oil drilling environmental disasters. Send a mail direct to President Obama, urging him to declare a 7-year moratorium on offshore drilling in the Arctic - use the NRDC link to get to the pre-made mail message to Obama.
PS. join The NRDC on their BioGems Defenders Facebook page and get the latest updates on their work to protect America's Arctic.

Send a pre-made mail to The Obama administration - it looks like this.

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