August 24, 2010

Next "mega" issue of Pool 32 Mag is nearly ready for publishing.

Next issue of Pool 32 Mag is nearly finished, and it's going to be a mega issue, with a huge focus on Bristol Bay and the planning of the biggest mine ever build - The Pebble Mine - right in the middle of the most important spawning grounds on our planet.
I have been very busy because of that, and therefore I haven't had enough time to write here on the blog, sorry about that folk's, but it will change after the publication, I have a lot of very interesting things, I will bring on the blog as well, so keep an eye on it.

Several photographers, authors, fly fishing profiles and environmental organizations have
kindly donated some really fascinating statements and photos exclusively for Pool 32 Mag.
One of those who have donated a fantastic photo session for Pool 32 Mag is Nick Hall. 
Here is a little teaser - one of Nick's fascinating shoots from Bristol Bay Alaska.

Tight lines out there
Editor Pool 32 

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