July 1, 2010

Absulotely GREAT work by S & TA

S &TA Aquaculture Petition handed in to Scottish Parliament.

This is the way to do things - really great work by S & TA.
Huge Congratulations from all of us here at Pool 32 !!!!

Lord Steel (2nd from right) and members of the Scottish Parliament’s Petitions Committee, surrounded by the S&TA team, at the Aquaculture Petition handover in the Scottish Parliament building, Edinburgh, on June 24th

On Thursday June 24th, Lord (David) Steel handed S&TA’s Aquaculture Petition, containing more than 17,000 signatures, to members of the Scottish Parliament’s Petitions Committee.  The event caused a satisfying media stir, both in Scotland and UK-wide, including slots on BBC’s Good Morning Scotland and Radio 4 Today programmes. 

The petition calls for the Scottish Government to remove marine fish farm units from sensitive sites, and freshwater cage units from river systems which have populations of wild salmonids present (as is the case already in Norway).  The petition looks likely to produce a debate in the Scottish Parliament in October, when S&TA may be requested to provide supporting evidence.

Link to Salmon and Tout association

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