September 24, 2011

The last edition of Ten & Two Mag

The Ten & Two mag is by far one of the most classical fly fishing e-mag out there. It always provide their readers with good quality photos and excelent content, but what really trills me about this e-mag is that it's alway has such and stylish layout, with a beautiful old school look. Only negative thing I have to mention is that their readers always have to login with a code - which you tend to forget, and then you have to require a new and that is a bummer. But some how it's worth the trouble because it's always a good experience "one you finally get in there"!!

Check it out for you self  HERE - but just to show what to expect then here is a couple of great "teaser screen screendumps" from the last edition of Ten & Two.... I LOVE IT.....

September 7, 2011

Very powerful rainfalls this summer in Denmark

I went fly fishing the other morning but as usually we were drowned by rain. Suddenly we found our selfs in the middle of a very powerful thunderstorm. Nothing else to do but "sit it out"in our "Gore Tex wrappings" - but to be honest if was a real bummer - just as the sea trout show them selfs it started to rain, not some cosy rain shower but real power rain. Afterwards the Danish Meteorological Institute had measured aprx. 30.0000 lightnings in our area!! - so no wet carbon rod was active that morning.
Here is a couple of pic's from that morning showing the mud colored water after the rain storm.

(Click on pic's for lager view)

Alexander Morton on the stand today

Today I am on the stand

I have spent over 2,000 hours over the past 9 months reading through the 500,000 documents submitted to the Cohen Inquiry and I have listened to and read the testimony of senior DFO who have been on the stand at the Inquiry. Today and tomorrow I am a witness and the proceedings will be live-streamed at
I can see how the Fraser sockeye got where they are today. I want to know if Salmon Leukemia is infecting the Fraser sockeye. I want to know why only the runs that pass salmon farms are collapsing and rebounding in unpredictable patterns. I don't see DFO accepting this responsibility. Dr Mike Kent - ex-DFO retracted ten years of his own work on this disease when he was on the stand. Then Dr Mark Sheppard, DFO said he does not think it exists and will never report it even when presented the clinical diagnosis. Dr. Marty BCMAL also does not think it exists even though he has reported the symptoms in 587 farm salmon. Dr. Saksida was on the stand yesterday she says it does exist. Dr. Miller, DFO is trying to confirm all this and DFO has taken away her funding to work on sockeye!!
This speaks to the chaos that has become status quo in sockeye management! I want to know ARE THE FRASER SOCKEYE DYING WITH BRAIN TUMOURS OR NOT.
I can see the fatal flaws within DFO. Our Federal Fisheries Department is no longer about trying to protect wild salmon. They are simply not doing that. Senior management in DFO are FAR more absorbed by trying to protect themselves and their unwieldy, archaic and disfunctional organization.
I want to be VERY clear, there are many dedicated, brilliant and hardworking people within DFO,but DFO treats them as the enemy within. DFO is suppressing, starving and abusing the best people they have.
DFO has a short window of opportunity here to come clean. As I have heard it on the stand, the fault here lies with the Provincial Ministry of Agriculture and Lands. DFO is guilty of gross negligence, but the Province of BC is guilty of hiding the diseases that appear to be brewing in lethal concert right now in the salmon farm feedlots that have placed in the most crucial and sensitive wild salmon habitat perhaps on earth - the Fraser sockeye migration route along Vancouver Island.
As fate would have it I was studying whales in a remote and incredibly beautiful wild place on the coast of BC, between Kingcome and Knight Inlets. When salmon farms arrived my community of Echo Bay welcomed them. We were so naive, it hurts to think back to the trust we placed in government and this industry. They were bullies and destroyed Echo Bay. My First Nation friends are standing toe to toe against the federal and provincial governments and these Norwegian corporations - unblinking. They don't want the trinkets the industry is throwing at them. They live in the wilderness and thus can still feel the pulse of the living world. Wild salmon run in their veins.
I have seen this from all sides. The industry and government cannot figure out who I am and hurl insults. They insinuate I do this for money. Well, I have news for them. There are things more powerful than money!
This is about the home I love. I follow in the tradition of the millions of women before me who have fought for the lands they raised their children on.
Dolphin dawn
PS. Follow Alexander Morton's great blog HERE

Wild salmon really need your support - please use this LINK to get right to the site shown underneath, where you can let your voice be heard, and support the wild salmon. 

Fraser River Lodge offers excellent fishing conditions

My friend Patrick is one of the owners of the Fraser River Lodge. Patrick used to live in a big european city, but desided to changed his life completely and are now living his dream out in Canada. To judge from these pictures it looks like he is having a ball up there
- I'm only a tiny bit jealous :O) - catch some for me Pat!!!!
If you want to learn more about the Fraser River Lodge then use this link to their brilliant website.

( PS. Click on pic's for a larger view )

September 3, 2011

Dropping the Disease Bomb

Dropping the Disease Bomb!

A watershed moment occurred this week when damning disease information was made public by the Cohen Commission.   In the fight against salmon farming, the ripple effect could be as powerful as the bouncing bombs dropped by the 'Dambusters' in the Second World War.

However, this information is still not online via the Cohen Commission's web-site.  In the spirit of transparency and freedom of information, the Superheroes 4 Salmon have posted it online here for the world to see for themselves:
Exhibit #1549 - 217 (BCP002864) - download here

Exhibit #1549 - 206 (BCP002850) - download here

The disease databases identify specific companies and sites for the first time.   This information is more detailed and incendiary than the disease information released on August 23.

The decision to make this information public caused heated debate last week (August 26) when the Province's lawyer, representing Her Majesty the Queen, filed an objection to their publication.
“Our concern is if the province is known to give out confidential information, and not try to protect it, then voluntary disclosure could stop occurring. And this is a concern because there have been outbreaks in the province before, (for example), avian influenza,” provincial lawyer Tara Callan told the inquiry.
However, on Monday (August 29) the Province changed their mind and withdrew their objection.  The Vancouver Observer reported (August 30):
"Yesterday, in a historic moment for the coast of British Columbia, the lawyer representing the Province of B.C. at the Cohen Commission retracted her objection to the release of salmon farm disease data and the data became public.  Alexandra Morton spoke of the importance of this once-classified data being released through the Cohen Commission, and why she thinks salmon farms have become the gatekeeper to the Fraser sockeye survival" (Read more via Alexandra Morton's blog).
Damien Gillis, writing in The Common Sense Canadian (August 30), said:
"Morton and her team have reviewed over 500,000 documents submitted to the Cohen Commission into disappearing Fraser sockeye over the past year and she would have presented her conclusions to the public sooner, were it not for a confidentiality undertaking she and other Inquiry participants were forced to sign. But as of this week, much of the key evidence upon which Morton is basing her allegations has been officially entered into the record at the Commission and is thus now public.
The final piece fell into place when counsel representing the Clark Government backed down from its opposition to allowing a batch of fish farm disease databases from being entered into the record. The Province's lawyer had made the argument that concealing information from the public was somehow actually in the public interest. But Monday, following a wave of public protest and negative media, Premier Christy Clark backed down and the records became public."
In previous submissions to the Cohen Commission, the BC Salmon Farmers Association had objected to the public disclosure of this disease information claiming that the release would cause "irreparable" and "irrevocable" financial harm (Read more via "Farmed Salmon Confidential: The Cover-Up" and "Cohen's Countdown on Disease Time-Bomb").

Read the disease data online now and judge for yourselves!
Exhibit #1549 - 217 (BCP002864) - download here

Exhibit #1549 - 206 (BCP002850) - download here
And for more damning details on the BC salmon farming industry please come to the Cohen Commission's public hearings next week (September 6, 7 & 8).  On Wednesday (7th) and Thursday (8th), Alexandra Morton will be appearing as a witness alongside Marine Harvest - the world's #1 salmon farming company.

Please get there early (doors open at 9.45am).  According to the Cohen Commission web-site: "With increased interest in the commission’s hearings as they near their conclusion, the commission will be allocating a block of seats in the public gallery to participants with standing for the topic for each day’s hearing. Any additional seating will be on a first-come, first-serve basis".
Please join the 'Justice League for Salmon' outside the Cohen Commission from 9am on Wednesday (7th September) for a powerful and peaceful protest.   Please come unarmed except for the truth.   All Superheroes 4 Salmon pledge allegiance to the 'Peaceful Direct Action Code'.

Fisheries and Oceans Accused of Suppressing the Trush

APTN National News
A leading fisheries activist is accusing the department of Fisheries and Oceans of suppressing the truth about the dangers of fish farms and it’s effects on wild salmon.
Alexandra Mortin also says because of this, the Cohen commission charged with looking into the catastrophic drop in wild salmon stocks will be ineffective because of it.
The comments were made as hundreds gathered in downtown Vancouver to demand the removal of farms from the ocean.
Aptn’s Rob Smith was there and files this report.

Check this relevant vide link out :

September 2, 2011

New great edition of Blood Knot Mag out now.

Blood Knot  amy have made a join-venture publication - where a bunch of e-zines have created a huge part of the content in this exciting edition.

Check it out for you self here - Blood Knot Mag

September 1, 2011

Important mail from Alex Morton


Testimony at the Cohen Inquiry Aquaculture Hearings hit a new low yesterday.  The lengths scientists are going to cover up the marine anemia outbreak that occurred on salmon farms in the Fraser sockeye migratory corridor is extraordinary.  If DFO succeeds in disassembling Dr. Miller's lab, the truth about this disease, its impact on sockeye and the concern voiced in the 1990s regarding its potential for health concerns will never be reveal.  If these vets want to tell us all the research done on marine anemia, also called Plasmacytoid Leukemia was wrong, they are going to have to retract the papers they wrote in journals such as Cancer Research, Diseases of Aquatic Organisms, The Canadian Veterinary Journal, the Journal of General Virology and Dr. Stephen's PhD Thesis. 

The media is not reporting on this so please forward this email to your contacts.

Alexandra Morton