May 3, 2011

Latest edition of The Blood Knot mag out now

It time for a new edition og The Blood Knot e-mag - click on the pic's below and you will get right to it. So get yourself a fresh cop of coffee, lean back and enjoy :O)

May 2, 2011

Catch Mag No. 17 is out now.

A click on this photo brings you right to the latest edition of Catch.

May 1, 2011

It's a beautiful world we live on - but very fragile.

We humans are very privileged to live on this unique blue planet. It's a very beautiful place  but also very fragile, so it is essential that we all do our best to preserve and protect this "old Lady" called Mother Earth .

Here is a fantastic video shoot by Terje Sorgjerd  from Norway - it's called "The Mountain".
I hope you enjoy it as much as I did - absolutely stunning - so take a moment out of your life and sit back and enjoy.

The Mountain from Terje Sorgjerd on Vimeo.

And here is the fist one by Terje Sorgjerd - called "The Aurora" - also a really great video.

The Aurora from Terje Sorgjerd on Vimeo.