December 30, 2010

Photo diary from New Zealand Vol. 3

I haven't heard from Craig Somerville lately, but that's probably because his is out there doing what we all love so much - fly fishing in a soft evening summer breeze!!!!
Right now it's summer in New Zealand, while we are freezing our buds of in one of the coldest winters I can remember. We only a little amount of openings in the ocean or open area of water.
Instead we have to dream about warmer places and fly fishing at it's best - so here is a little dream trip to New Zealand.  Pool 32 welcomes you to an other edition our Photo diary from Castabroad and New Zealand Vol. 3.

Click on pic's for a larger view.

Dream spot

Dream house

Heli fly fishing

Perfect presentation 

December 27, 2010

5 day's left to Support Earthworks.

Earthworks have done a tremendous job i so many cases, so help Earthworks, help our planet. Use this direct link to Support Earthworks and help them in their great work.

December 26, 2010

Fly nation - a website with lot's great fly fishing stuff

A short preview of the season finale episode of Fly Nation TV, shot at Nicholas Dean Lodge on the beautiful Skeena watershed. Don’t miss it, and don’t ever pass up an opportunity to visit Nicholas Dean Lodge yourself!

Fly Nation TV: Skeena Steelhead Trailer from Nick Pujic on Vimeo.

Here is one more great video fro Argentina, from Fly Nation

Get ready to criss cross the Argentinian outback – across the World-famous Patagonia region – in search of big, big trout and even a few Atlantic salmon, with Fly Nation co-host Thibaut Millet. This episode features 4 very special lodges from various parts of this trout rich region, including the century old Tipiliuke Lodge.

Fly Nation TV: Discovering Argentina from Nick Pujic on Vimeo.

Don't hesitate - Visit Fly Nation website - lot's of great stuff to explore - use this LINK

Certain signups are very interesting - this one made my day :O)

As if that wasn't enough Mr. O'Keefe kindly send me a e-mail afterwards with these few words. But compared to Catch Mag, which is by far the most amazing e-mag on this planet, I'm very humble about my work with Pool 32 Mag. 
I'll of course do my absolute best to improve my skills regarding Pool 32 Mag for future editions.

December 24, 2010

T-Motion Issue #13 - by Todd Moen - Catch Magazine

This movie from Todd Moen describes what we all love so much - Pure Fly Fishing Action.

Merry X-mas from Le Mouching

I have seen a couple of X-mas by now, but this one I really like, it's super funky, and it says it all - Love, Passion, Happiness and pure Nature!!!!
Merry X-mas to you to Le Mouching, and ALL the BEST from Pool 32 Mag :o)

Feel like visiting Le Mouching's great website - use this LINK

December 23, 2010

Alenko Franolic - an outstanding German genius

At my last trip to Germany, I was introduces to a true genius, Mr. Alenko Franolic.
His workshop was one of those places, where you could "smell the sublime atmosphere" of a place where a lot of genius idea's comes to live.
I really enjoyed being in Alenko's workshop. The things he showed me, simply blew me a way.
Among all the great things I saw in Alenkos' workshop, one thing really caught my interest - A brand new line of tungsten materials.
Normally tungsten is a fragile material that breaks if you try to mingle too much with it, but Alenko had developed a brand new kind of elastic tungsten material, in a wide range of shapes, form and sizes - the most brilliant tying material, which every fly fisher with a bit of self respect, have to have in his or hers fly tying kit.
With these kind of materials you could create difficult fly patterns, with ease.

Another thing I really liked, were the floating material for May fly's - which not only made your fly 100% floating, even though it have been chewed thoroughly by several fish, it was also luminescent, for fishing in the dark.
If I had a fly fishing shop I would get in contact with Alenko right away and make an arrangement so I could start selling these exciting new materials in my tackle shop.

Here is a couple of shots of those brilliant fly tying materials.

If you want to get in contact with Alenko Franolic then use this direct mail address HERE

December 21, 2010

Here is a new lure with a laser in it!!

 It is cheating if you ask me :O)
- and apparently these new lures are very effective, so who know maybe the next thing will be laser fly's!!!

Fish and Fishing Art Competition

Fish and Fishing have been key to life on the Oregon Coast. Artists in this competition were challenged to submit works on these themes. From 182 submissions the jurors have selected 70 works for display. Works in many media are on view and demonstrate the broadest range of interpretations of the theme. Also, the Coquille Tribe and Confederated Tribes of the Coos, Lower Umpqua, and Siuslaw have generously provided items reflecting the long tradition of fishing on the Coast.

Here is a few of these great pieces from this exciting exhibition, I wouldn't miss it if I lived close by, but Denmark is very far away so I have to settle with the web-version.

If you want to dig in deeper then use this link to the  Cos Art Museum  - and here you will find a slideshow presentation from this exhibition.

December 19, 2010

Winther, snow and no fishing

In Denmark where I live, we normally don't have really cold and snowy winters, but ever since Obama landed in Copenhagen last year to attend the CUP 15 climate meeting, it's been freezing cold - actually the day Obama landed we had a huge snowstorm for the first time in many years, very symbolic for the results that came out of this meeting!! - Then again this year we have a very cold winter, and yesterday it snowed all evening and most of the night.
Anyway I LOVE snow, event hough it means no fishing for a while, it still has a beauty to it - the clear air and colors, the cleanness of new fallen snow, but most of all the quietness which follows because this beautiful white layer.

So today I had to get out there with my camera just to shoot a couple of pic's - here is a few of my pic's from my trip in the forrest - hope you'll enjoy it, because I really did!!!